Planted, Rooted, Remain

Planted, Rooted, Remain

July 26, 2022

Planted, Rooted, Remain

Psalm 1: 2-3  (NKJV) But his delight is in the law of the Lord; And in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.

I was sitting in my backyard on the morning of August 22nd 2021. It was a beautiful sunny morning, kids still in bed and I’m out there just enjoying the sun, having a quiet moment thanking God for all He has done and just appreciating His creation. Looking at my rose plant, I felt the Holy Spirit just gently dropping 3 words into my spirit - planted, rooted, remain. In that moment it was so profound and resonated deeply within me. I have been meditating on these 3 words ever since and have heard so many lessons and teachings from the Holy Spirit concerning these. A few months on 2 more words were added - restore and growth.

Some time ago, in fact around June 2019 I had a vision and a prophetic word in a dream. Part of it was a specific instruction about remaining in my spiritual home, my church and travelling for work. I did not understand it the time but things began to unfold and became clearer with time.

I have been travelling to different places and distances for work since March 2020.  Travelling often for work is not something that I would willingly choose. I like routine and stability and structure, having a stable foundation. Nothing about short term work assignments shouts out any of these things! But if not for that dream, I never would have had the courage to take this leap of faith and trust God for work assignments. He just opens up doors of work opportunities in the most amazing places and at the right time for the right purposes and provision for what I need.

If you have read my recent post on “Who fills your cup?” you will know that I felt a bit disconnected from people. An emptiness that can only be filled by Jesus. I think the pandemic drained most of us physically, emotionally and spiritually. Nothing wrong with feeling this way. Jesus regularly withdrew from the crowds and His disciples to be alone with the Father and to be refreshed and strengthened again.

I believe God knew I was going to feel this way and the Holy Spirit  whispered those  words into my spirit to encourage me and assure me that it is ok to feel what I was feeling but to also draw me closer to Him, closer to His Word to just sit with Him. Some days it did not feel like I was doing everything I needed to do to seek Him out and just sit and listen to what He had to say. Other things took up my time, mostly binge watching netflix or nowtv box sets. Nothing wrong with it but we must be conscious that  it does not consume us and take centre stage in our lives.

Being away from my family and my church family a lot, these three  words recently became my source of strength and anchor. Just like the rose plant I received, planted in the soil with nothing but  roots and a few stems, so are we planted in the Word of God, His church and our families. And by remaining in that soil our relationships grow stronger and eventually we see the benefits/fruits of those relationships. So it is with our spiritual relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We can not prosper and grow if we allow ourselves to be carried away spiritually like chaff blown by every wind that blows or like a rolling stone that gathers no moss.

Although I am away from home and my church family I am still planted firmly in the soil of their lives and that particular garden that God planted me in. And so it is for you my dear friend.

The Hebrew word for planted is ‘Sha’tul’ which means ’to transplant. Jesus has planted us firmly in God’s family. But not only that the Holy Spirit has cultivated the soil of our hearts, if not I pray that He will begin a cultivation work within you right now so that His Word may take root within you and grow strong in order for you to remain in Him. The day we said ”yes” to Jesus was the day we received a transplant of His spirit. Without Him there will be no growth.

Strongs concordance for the Hebrew word ”Rooted” is ”Parah” It means to bear fruit or be fruitful. The Greek word “Rhizoo” means to increase or to cause to take root. As we take root in the Word and grow in spirit, we then begin to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit (See Galatians 5:22-23).

The Greek word for Remain is “Meno.” Meaning to ‘stay’ or ‘abide’.

For me these words carry a very spiritual connotaion. I have wrestled with it the past few months, seeking and trying to understand what the Holy Spirit is saying to me. Having spend so much time with my family and my church family the planting is complete and the roots are running deep. My relationship with the Holy Spirit has grown. What is left is to remain within God’s Word and my walk with Him. Just like the psalmist in psalm 1.
Jesus also says in John 15:4-5 9 (KJV) Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except ye abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches; He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

Seasons of draught and loss will come but He will restore things again and new growth will appear. Friend I do not know what God is asking of you today, but I do know that He wants you to be planted in His Word, rooted in His Word and to remain in His Word. Whether He asks you to stay in your physical location, your current job, your current circumstances, or ministry, be assured He will carry you and see you through. And by your obedience, to be planted, rooted and remain, you will bear fruit in due season. 
