The road ahead

The road ahead

July 26, 2022


Confronting and solving problems is a painful process which most of us attempt to avoid. And the very avoidance results in greater pain and an inability to grow both mentally and spiritually....(Morgan Scott Peak, 1978)

As I laid in bed this morning at 2 AM, the 1st day of 2017, I reflected on 2016 and the events that played out in my life throughout that year. And in those moments I was reminded of the sojourner mentioned throughout the bible. I saw a picture of a road. A road full of twists and turns, slip roads leading off it, crossing with other roads, dipping downhill and going uphill.

In my spirit, I felt that life is often like that road. We set off on a course or journey in life planning out our destination or not. We think we know how our journey will end because we know where we are heading. We often venture off course, make stops and take the wrong turn.  We sometimes head downhill or find ourselves struggling to go uphill. Some of us navigate through this journey with a map or compass, some of us just hit the road with no navigation system hoping that we will get where we are going by chance. Sometimes we end up hitting potholes or land in a ditch. Some of us end up staying where we have stopped along the journey because it is comfortable or just easier than pushing forward.

We celebrated the birth of Christ only a week ago. We carry on year after year celebrating that one day and carry on the next day as if it never happened. The journey doesn't begin and end with His birth but it points to the cross, the death of Christ, that points to life eternal with the Father, to a new heaven and a new earth (The Resurrected Christ).
We are all sojourners on this earth and the road we choose to travel on will come with good things and bad things. Who we travel with matters. Who we allow to help us navigate throughout this life matters. We have the perfect navigator in the Holy Spirit to help us along the way.

Confronting and facing our own personal issues and problems head-on and giving it all to the 'One' who is in control of it all is crucial. Jesus didn't promise us an easy life here on earth but an eternal life with Him and the Father. We are not promised tomorrow. All we have is today. Jesus knows the beginning from the end. He holds all our futures. He knows the road ahead.

Who will you travel with? Which navigation system will you choose? Will, you pursue God's purpose for you or will continue on the same revolving path? Will today or tomorrow be a start of introspection and change from within?

Proverbs 4:26;  Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.

Prayer: Heavenly Father may we seek our true God-given purpose this year. May we continue to look within and allow Your Holy Spirit to change us for Your glory. May we see each other as You see us, Lord. May we be gracious to each other as You are gracious to us. May we never lose hope  Lord. Holy Spirit, be our guide and our navigator and strengthen us when we grow weary. Amen
