

July 26, 2022

Qavah #Wait

Waiting is not something we do easily. We live in a time and a society where 'buy now pay later' has become the social norm. Most people can't wait for things and want everything yesterday. I have to admit that there are areas in my life where I'm not patient and other areas where I can practice patience like Job.

God had certainly taught me to wait on Him the past 18 months. And this morning the Holy Spirit led me into some deeper teachings and truths about waiting and how to wait. The  Hebrew word qavah has two meanings, a literal meaning, and figurative meaning.  The former means to bind together but not in the sense of tying but to weave and twist together like a rope.  The former is to 'wait, to hope, to expect'.

Sometimes it is hard to wait but the benefits of waiting are far greater than to push forward and making things happen outside of what God tells us to do. In Genesis 8 Noah waited a whole year after God flooded the earth to leave the ark. I don't know about you but I would have probably left the ark after the dove came back with the olive twig in its beak to do some exploring myself. Noah was obedient to God's instructions to leave when He said it was ok to leave. Although the waters receded completely the earth was still soggy and probably one big swamp of quicksand.

 The lesson to take from Noah's obedience is:
1. God is faithful to those who obey Him
2. God does not always protect us from trouble but cares for us in spite of trouble.
3. Obedience is a long-term commitment 

Patience is hardest when we need it the most, but it is the key to achieving our goals. 
In Genesis 29 Jacob waits patiently to marry the woman he loves. He works 7 years for Laban in order to marry Rachel but on the eve of their wedding, Laban tricks him by getting him drunk and send in Leah to consumate the marriage. Jacob gets to marry Rachel 7 days after his wedding to Leah but has to work another 7 years for Laban to pay for Rachel, again. I wonder if any young man in this day and age would have been prepared to do the same?

Are you waiting on God to fulfill a promise, answer a prayer? How long have you been waiting? Think God has forgotten you?
2 Peter 3:8-9 (NIV) But do not forget this one thing dear friends: with the Lord, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping  His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

What to do while waiting for God's promise:
The disciples/apostles in Acts 1:15-26 (NIV) models a perfect way of waiting and doing while we wait. They prayed, they sought God's guidance and they were getting organised. 
Waiting for God to work does not mean sitting around doing nothing. We must do what we can, while we wait, as long as we don't run ahead of God.

My prayer is that we ask God to help us get organised and keep busy in the things He set before us. To stay prayerful and always seek His guidance and never run ahead of Him. 
