Your latter will be greater

Your latter will be greater

July 26, 2022


Genesis 48:19; (NKJ) But his father refused and said, "I know, my son, I know. He also shall become a people, and he also shall be great; but truly his younger shall be greater than he, and his descendants shall become a multitude of nations."

When Jacob was reconciled with his son Joseph, he was already an old man and blind. Joseph brought his two sons Manasseh and Ephraim to his old dying father in order for their grandad to bless them. Now it is customary for the eldest son to receive the greater blessing.  In verse 17 Jacob, who was also called Israel, blesses Ephraim first and Joseph thought that his dad got it wrong and tries to rectify him but Jacob assures him that he knows what he is doing because God told him that Ephraim would become greater. 

God often works in unexpected ways. When he chooses people to fulfill His plans, He  always goes deeper than appearance, tradition, or position.  He sometimes surprises us by choosing the less obvious person, at least by human understanding or reasoning.

On May 4th 2015  I was led to study Genesis 49:3... this was a very personal study and the Holy Spirit, I felt at the time, spoke into some things and areas of my life.  I searched my bible for biblical heroes/trailblazers that God used for His purpose. Biblical characters that were seen as the least among their families, tribes and culture and 7 people fascinated and inspired me. Today that same message "your latter will be greater", burned again inside of me. My heart is so full of hope and expectation of what the Lord is about to do that I'm compelled to share this with you.

1. Ephraim was greater than Manasseh 
2. Joseph received a double portion blessing
3. Jacob was greater than Esau
4. David the youngest son of Jesse became greater than his brothers
5. The sons of Levi was the smallest in number, 22000 and they were set apart by God to be His priests 
6. Judah after a dramatic change in personality and character was chosen to be the blood line of Jesus.
7. Leah wasn't Jacob's 1st choice for a wife, in fact his father-in-law tricked him on his wedding night by getting him drunk and letting his eldest daughter Leah enter the marital bed instead of the promised wife Rachel, but it was from Leah's offspring that Jesus was born.

Jacob blessed his grandchildren first, his grandchildren by Joseph,  to illustrate that the 12 tribes of Israel will not receive their blessing according to customary expectation: Genesis 48:20; (NKJ) So he blessed them that day, saying,"By you Israel will bless, saying, 'May God make you as Ephraim and as Manasseh!'"
and thus  he set Ephraim before Manasseh.

In order to be the greatest we ought to become the least. Serve with a servant heart. Jesus humbled Himself and became flesh. He came to serve the weak, the lost, the weary, the sinner, to heal the sick, open up blind eyes and deaf ears. He was the least among the Jews but remained faithful to His calling and purpose  and is now forever seated high at the right hand of the Father.  God can use you to carry out His plans, even if you think you don't  have all the qualifications. 
