Sing barren woman sing

Sing barren woman sing

July 26, 2022


Isaiah 54:1; "Sing, O barren, You who have not borne! Break forth into singing, and cry aloud. You who have not labored with child! For more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married woman," says the Lord. 

How long have you been praying for your breakthrough, prayed for your child, prayed for your miracle? The Lord tells us to break forth in song and cry aloud.

Many a time I wanted to give up and give in but the Lord kept me going. It is so easy to praise God when everything is going right, but such a struggle to keep on praising and blessing Him when we find ourselves in a place of desolation and darkness seems to swallow us. The bible says, "but joy comes in the morning."

When we develop a daily routine of spending time with God, studying the Word, praying, commune or have fellowship with Him and also being still, waiting to hear from Him, life becomes bearable; not easy, bearable, and He promises not to put more on us than what we can bear. Just have faith and trust in Him.

I've learnt that when we take the focus of our troubles and start praying for people that are in the same situation as ourselves, things begin to change.

Genesis 30:22; Then God remembered Rachel, and God listened to her and opened her womb.

Like Rachel in the book of Genesis we take matters in our own hands and try to make things happen instead of trusting God and believe that He will do what He said He will do.

She was barren for so long; watched her sister bore child after child after child and she thought her husband loved her less because she was barren. Isn't this how we are with God also? If only I do this or that,. God will hear my prayers and answer them. Sadly it doesn't work that way, but God will remember you and open up your womb, natural or spiritual. If He did it for Rachel, He can do it for you.



I've  dreamed many a dream
Seemed no answer would come 
 I waited patient and long
But I've realised enough of those dreams came true to make me keep dreaming on.

I've prayed many a prayer and it seemed no answer came, though I waited patient and long
But enough of those prayers have been answered to make me keep praying on.

I've trusted many a friend that failed me and left me to weep alone
But enough of my friends have proved true blue to make me keep trusting on.

I've sowed many a seed that fell by the way-side for the birds to feed upon 
But I've held enough golden sheaves in my hand to keep sowing on.

I've dranked the cup of disappointment and pain and have gone many a day without a song
But I've sipped enough nectar from the roses of life to make me want to live on

The lyrics of this song sung by The Perry's, "I don't regret a mile," really spoke into my heart yesterday.

Sing barren woman sing
Shalom and be blessed