Stay afloat

Stay afloat

July 26, 2022

Stay afloat
Lamentations 3: 22 -24

Dear friend. I don't know what you are going through right now  in these moments of uncertainty but I can assure you God has you in the palm of His hands.

I had this message on my heart since Thursday. The picture of this albatross came to my mind with the message " stay afloat".

So much is happening all over the world. There are new levels of anxiety, stress and worry that just blew in like a ranging storm from continent to continent, country to country and even island to island. For some it was like a hurricane, for others a dark cloud rolling in and for some of you an anxious wait to see how it will manifest.

It adds to things we are already worrying about: our loved ones, bills that needs paying, angst of finding that dream job that we've studied so hard for at university, receiving rejection after rejection of job applications, looking after a sick relative and the list goes on.

I am all too familiar with it all and you think, my God how am I going to handle all of that when I feel trapped and forced to isolate, shield or have limited resources or unable to travel to be present with those who need me. Covid-19 did not rattle my cage but having to deal with the list of things rocks my boat…

In the midst of it all, I am like that albatross, calmly, most of the time, just staying afloat because my Jesus is in control. And He is near and present. He is our rock that promises to never leave us or forsake us. Trust in Him. Stay afloat friend, hang onto His word. He will be with you through the good, the bad and the ugly. There is none like Him.

Last night before I settled in bed I read Lamentations 3. And tucked away between the authors lament is a message of hope - verses 22 -24. We have to trust in Him, verse 25.

The compilation of the Lords blessing rendered by churches together all over the globe moved me and so many to tears today. Tears of hope and joy and reassurance (Deuteronomy 28).

Waking up at 3 am Lamentations 3: 22-24 came to mind again while I watched and listened to the rendition of South Africa's "the blessing". It moved me so deeply. As a child of Africa, I cry out to the Lord on behalf of my county folk, our rainbow nation, every generation and culture. (YouTube link:

My our Lord bless you all. 