Are you moving standing still?

Are you moving standing still?

July 26, 2022


I can imagine you are wondering what is this about? Geek alert!! But just bear with me for a few moments.

Yes it is possible for us to move even when we are completely standing/sitting still. The sun moves around at a galactic speed of 220km/sec = v¹ and the earth is moving around the sun in an orbit with mean ratio 1AU, that is 30km/sec= v. When you are standing still on earth you are actually moving at a velocity of v¹ + v with respect to centre of the milky way.

But this is not a physics lesson: This is more of a spiritual question. You see I was taking a 6 mile walk about a week ago, just mulling things over in my head and having the odd question for God when that question popped into my head.

Before that moment I was thinking to myself how much I prefer to walk as long as it is on a flat surface due to problems with my spinal cord. I get bored in the gym walking on a treadmill or sitting on a stationary bike or rowing machine because in my head I am going nowhere fast.

Thinking about all this I reflected on Romans 12:2 this morning. This verse became alive for me when 5 years ago I made up my mind to completely pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus. Studying the word and not just merely reading the bible became part of my daily routine and little by little the Holy Spirit changed me from within and then my mind were renewed as time went by. I responded to situations differently, my actions became responsive rather than reactive in the moment. My whole outlook on things changed and Gods word became my compass and spiritual health check if I can call it that.

Notice how Paul puts it in his letter to the Romans-  We have to allow God  to transform us inwardly, completely change our mindset and THEN (emphysis mine) we will be able to know His complete and perfect will ( a 2 step process), which then becomes continuous so that we can be changed from glory to glory.

Similarly in Paul's letter to the Colossians chapter 1 verses 9 -14, he assures them of his prayer asking God to fill them with the knowledge of His will with the wisdom and understanding that only His spirit gives and THEN (emphysis mine) they will be able to live as the Lord wants. (Please do read Colossians 1:1-14).

As I walked this morning reflecting on all of this I could see the waters being relatively calm at the start of my walk but 30 minutes later and further away from the marina; the sound of the sea became louder and waves became bigger crashing against the rocks and the wall. 

Surface waves are created by friction between wind and surface water. As the wind blows across the surface of the ocean, the continuous disturbance creates a wave Crest.

So my question is this. 
1. Are you stagnant in your spiritual life and your walk with God?
2. Is your mind continually being renewed by the Holy Spirit?
3. Is there constant friction of the wind ( Ruach) to cause a stirring?
4. Are you growing in the knowledge of God? 
5. Are you getting to know Him for yourself or still feeding on what others say of Him?

May there be a stirring in you not just today but every day. May the Holy Spirit be your guide and the wind that causes that friction. May you never loose sight of who Jesus is and what He has done for you. May you hunger and thirst after His righteousness as a deer pants for water.
