

July 26, 2022


Though a literal definition of crossroads might be something like "the point where two roads meet," it is more often used in a figurative way, to mean a situation that requires some important choice must be made. (

We have all been at a crossroad at some stage in our lives. I have been there many atime since  my early twenties and find myself there yet again. I should be some guru at making decisions about my future but I'm not. Every situation I found myself in led me to different paths. Some decisions were wise, or were they? The answer can be yes or no  depending on which perspective you looking at it from.

The thing is for most of the  time I have been trusting my own judgment on which way to go, usually guided by my emotions.  With it came difficulty and heartache and disappointment and a long winded way to getting where I needed to be. Life could be so much easier if we stop and ask for guidance and direction. 

Who do you ask? Who can you trust to point you in the right direction? 
John 14:16 (NIV) And I (Jesus) will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever.
God should be our first port of call but so often He is the last port of call. I'm guilty of that. I am learning  to ask Him first, seeking His counsel first. Submitting my will, my wishes, my desires,my children,  trusting Him with my dreams and asking Him to align it all with His will and purpose is something I learn to do every day.

Submission doesn't come easy but it doesn't mean you are enslaved when you submit to the Holy Spirit. For me submission simply means yielding. To yield is to surrender, submit to, bow down to or agree to. The Hebrew word 'Abah' means 'to be  willing, to consent and the Greek word 'eiko', means to give way, submit.
Without yielding the Holy Spirit can't guide us.
Psalm 73:24 You guide me with Your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory.

When we are in a crossroad, we are invited to stop right where we are, listen for the Counsellor's voice  and surrender to His leading. (Suzie Eller)
The crossroad you are at right now will no doubt be different from mine. The frustrations and the rollercoaster of emotions will pull you in directions that may not be the direction you should follow. The Holy Spirit is always there to give counsel and the answers may not come in an audible voice. Let God's word lead you. Gleaning from the First5 teaching on 2 Kings 12 today, these 3 questions helped me 
* What does God's Word say about this?
*What is His promise in this situation?
*Where is He leading me? take the first step towards that 
