What a difference and hour makes

What a difference and hour makes

July 26, 2022

#powerhour #beanxiousfornothing

As winter approaches, the land is clothed in long dark nights and short hours of daylight. Cold crispy mornings and the prospect of snowy days to come.Day light starts long after 7 AM and darkness sets after 4 PM.

I don't mind the short periods of daylight much as long as I'm all cosy and warm and indoors. I don't venture on long car journeys either during the night. Anyone who knows me knows that I hate driving in the dark. I avoid it at all cost and only venture out if I really have to.

I drove down to the Welsh valleys on Saturday morning to spend the day with my eldest doing girly stuff. A bit of mother and daughter time in Cardiff. My son spending the weekend at  his best friend's house allowing me to stay the night in Wales. I decided to drive back home at 6 AM on Sunday morning, forgetting how dark the winter mornings can be.

All was well until I left the M4 and my journey proceeded onto the M50 shortly after I left New Port. Suddenly the road ahead of me was covered in darkness, an anxious panic suddenly gripped me when I could only see about 50 yards in front of me, no street lights, no lit up motorway.

I know every inch of the roads between Birmingham and Trefforest. The M50 is bendy  with inclines and slopes. Deer roam freely in the forest; not fenced in. The thought of loosing control of the car, mis-judging a corner or a bend in the road made my heart skipped a few beats causing me to slow down and reduce my speed significantly. 

I switched my headlights on periodically when no cars were approaching from the opposite direction which, temporarily,  relieved the anxiousness inside of me. I'm not afraid of the dark but the feeling of not being in control of what lies ahead or not being able to see clearly what is ahead of me was slightly nerve wrecking. If I'm in the driving seat I like to be in control of what I'm doingI prayed for daylight to come with every yard my car was travelling.

The radio was tuned into UCB1 and a raspy, soft, Irish voice came on, Bob Gass, "without a regular daily intake of God's word, you'll be in the dark as to what's best for you and the direction your life should go". Oh these words of uncle Bob inspired me and Phillipians 4:6 dropped into my spirit. 'Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanks giving, let your request be made known to God'.

I started singing along to the gospel tunes, the anxiety lifted and before I knew it the skies were a little brighter. An hour had past and I could see clearly ahead of me. What a difference an hour makes!

Friend you may be anxious or fearful about a job, your child/children, finances, your health, a relative. Be assured that God sees and knows your circumstances. His Word says to be anxious for nothing. You may not know Him but He knows you.  Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before  you were born I sanctified you; (NKJ)

Your hour may seem long but day light will come if you put your trust in Him.
