Broken and Made Whole

Broken and Made Whole

Product information

May 28th 2022

Life is often described as a journey. It’s a journey with ups and downs, experiences both full of joy and pain. There are many ways that one can confront and deal with their past, but Broken and Made Whole is not just the narrative of one personal journey through life; it is also a journey of ascent which all those who seek to follow the Lord Jesus Christ will undertake as they learn to be His true disciple.

Mariann McKay provides a glimpse into her life, recounting her experiences with abuse and rejection, shedding light on how her Christian journey through faith heals and her triumph on the way to wholeness.

‘I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.’ (Philippians 3:14)

For those standing at the foot of the mountain of the walk of faith, there is honest warning of the necessity of trusting through painful seasons and the need to persevere. As we climb, the places this journey takes us give us wider and wider views of the amazing love and care of God for each one of us.


Customer reviews

You really are an inspirational lady

J.S Coles

I have just finished reading your book. You really are an inspirational lady. I obviously did not understand all the Bible verses, but reading your personal life’s story inspired me (in regards to my own personal life). You have given me strength in a low point in my life. You are serving your purpose in life well.

Boken and Made Whole

Jocelyn O'Connell

This delightful short read is Wonderfully Human and Wonderfully Real! Every woman will find something of themselves in this truly honest 'Testimony'. In our own personal relationship with God an emancipation is found that just eases the soul....a wholesomeness that delivers purpose.


Charity Toppar

I read your story and I applaud you for how honest you were, and I believe your story would resonate with many readers, what they have been through as a child. Your story also illustrates the fact that Jesus is able to turn situations around no matter what, from broken to making you whole, your story is very inspiring.

A beautiful, inspirational story


Mariann's story is inspirational, as she lays bare her trauma and perceived flaws. I was moved by her faith. While I am not familiar with Christianity or bible verses, her story is truly uplifting. She takes no credit for herself; instead laying all her achievements at the feet of her saviour. She's a remarkable woman.


Florry Southon

Your story is deep. You're a strong woman. I actually reflect on the year I met you in Aliwal North. This friendly and smart young lady. Little did I know of the scars you were carrying. These kind of stories need to be shared. I'm sure there's a lot of women out there who went through such and never thought there's a breakthrough. The book is worth reading.

A story of healing and hope

Pamela R.

It takes courage to share one’s personal story in the public arena and I commend Mariann’s willingness to be vulnerable in doing so. The author’s journey of faith demonstrates the transforming power of the Holy Spirit and the importance of the disciplines of prayer and daily devotions. It didn’t take long to read but will be worth revisiting.



A remarkable short story from a quite inspirational woman. Something so beautiful and powerful and so gently wrapped in simple words. Book leaves you wanting to know more about wonderful Mariann. Congratulations Mariann, you have written beautiful book.

Broken and made whole

Maud Jooste

I loved the simplicity and honesty inside these pages. The title of the book explains it all

Honesty and Hope

Elizabeth Webb

I loved being transported to the sunny clime of South Africa where I fully expected to read about an idyllic childhood of the author. However, this was far from the truth for Mariann who describes, with disarming honesty, how she suffered rejection and abuse often from those who should have been her guardians. This high-achieving young lady was able to push herself so far with grit and determination but, eventually, she ran out of her own strength. It was only when she heard a message of hope from a church, and became a Christian, that things took on a different perspective. Mariann, completely broken, asked God to take over her life and make her whole again. Anyone who meets Mariann can testify that this has happened to her. There is power in her purity. Her devotion and love for the Lord shines through this book … and gives hope for us all.

A journey of grace and obedience 💜

Gill Martin

So inspiring 🙏🏽♥️ A powerful testimony, one delivered with humility and much courage… an example of grace that abounds in being open to hear His voice but more importantly, to be obedient! 2 Corinthians 5:9 ‘…we make it our aim to please Him’ . Thank you Mariann (#Friendship #Blomme aka Flower 🌹) - May you continue to reach higher heights abiding in Him 🙏🏽💜

Broken and made whole

Pat J

Wow... I am really inspired. Such resilience and faith in the midst of it all . This book really proves true that " Your mess is actually your message". You proved to be more than an overcome my sister. My faith got an enormous boost ,from reading your book. May God continue to enlarge your territory 1Chr 4 : 10. Love Pat



Book was really inspirational You are a role model for many, a real woman of substance


Thank you Mariaan for an inspiring read. It was uplifting to the soul, body and mind. May God continue to bless you, looking forward to the stories you'll still tell.

Heart melting story

Prolific Precious

With tears in my eyes I flipped through the pages of your book, repeating some pages as I could literally relate with some of your experiences you narrated. I have learnt so much and I am truly grateful that our parts crossed which gave me the opportunity to come across your book. Thank you Mariann. I really do appreciate you for your sincerity and for pouring out your heart . Thanks and God bless you richly and grant you the desires of your heart. .

Book Extracts

Book Information

Available formats

  • Paperback
  • eBook


  • ISBN-13: 9781803131580